
ESF Family

ESF Family

A World Class Education from K1 to Y13


Every single member of our staff – in and out of the classroom – is united in a single mission: to help every single student be the best that they can be. The education that your child will receive at every stage of their journey, from K1 to Y13, will be designed to help them discover their passions. 


Our teachers are the world’s best, drawn from across the globe. They will get to know your child, to understand their passions, their unique talents and how they learn. This personalised approach is what makes us so special and allows us to achieve the results that we do.


Being part of a wider network of schools allows your child to benefit from the varied range of facilities, courses and expertise that exists within our organisation. For over 50 years we have been providing a world-class education to the people of Hong Kong - with our students going on to attend some of the finest Universities and Colleges in the world.


And, while we recognise that academic results really matter, our approach to education goes way beyond learning facts and acquiring knowledge. We want our students to be curious about the world, to ask questions, to have opinions.


We want them to excel in the things that make them happy. Our provision of sports, arts, drama and leadership opportunities is unparalleled.


Above all, we want our students to go out into the world with the skills they need to lead a happy successful life.

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