
Our Story

Our Story


Abacus reopened as an independent kindergarten

In 1989, one of the few kindergartens in Clearwater Bay was closing. Alex Blum, a local philanthropist and his wife Grace, together with a group of parents, decided to take over the current Abacus site and convert it into a kindergarten. They set up a charitable trust fund to manage the kindergarten, refurbished the grounds and built a toilet block.

The site was reopened and officially named Abacus in September 1990, with Sarah Trencher as the founding Principal. It began with 55 children spread over 3 morning classes and by Christmas had 75 children, which was the maximum capacity at the time. Sarah also ran baby and toddler classes in the afternoons.

Sarah Trencher (now Speed) remembers:
'The car park was just a grass playing field - often muddy! We had the occasional snake visit - one morning I found a keelback wrapped around the cistern in the toilets. I called Ag & Fish, & we ended up with 2 police as armed escorts for any child needing the loo (we had to use the staff one at the rear). Less dramatically, the children found about 4 very small worm-like snakes hiding underneath some playmats in the garden. I consulted my HK reptile book & discovered that these were very rare snakes, thought to be extinct but had last been seen on the SK peninsula. They were put in a jar & ended up at HKU, where an expert confirmed the identification & sent some AG & Fish chaps to check for more & to relocate to a quieter environment.'
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