



At Abacus, we believe that assessment should include everyone. Our educators work to understand each child's unique needs, interests, culture, and home languages. This understanding helps us support every child in their learning journey.


Through assessment, we help children learn new ideas, gain knowledge, develop skills, and build positive attitudes. We think it’s important for everyone involved—teachers, educational assistants, parents, and children—to take part in assessing how children are doing. We do this through observing, discussing, and reflecting on their progress together.


Click here to see an overview of assessment opportunities which involve families. 


Moodle is our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a place for parents to access the following:

  • their child’s e-portfolio
  • their child’s reports
  • their child’s class’s Learning Journey- an outline of the key moments from the current inquiries.

Parents will be provided with a Moodle username and password after entering the school.

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