Our Communication Systems
Moodle - The VLE
Moodle is our e-portfolio and reporting tool. This can be accessed via the ESF App. Your child’s reports can be viewed via this platform as well as your child’s learning journey which contains pictures and teacher updates about their progress. At the end of the two years you will be able to download a copy of your child’s portfolio as a memory of their time with us. Instructions will be provided in K2 as to how to do this.
The ESF App
One of our main forms of communication in ESF for our school and ESF centre is via our ESF app. Please download the app and adjust the settings to meet your needs before the start of term so that you don't miss any important information and updates about your child's progress. You can also adjust the settings to forward app messages to email. The ESF app allows you to email teachers, gives access to your child’s portfolio and reports and also enables you to report absences and withdraw from school. We will also use this system to send important messages about school closures and our newsletters.
For New ESF App Users:
An overview of the ESF App features and how to install can be found here:
Instructions for the first install are here:
The Gateway is our current family information system. It is used to hold your child’s personal information such as their family details, address and emergency contact details. It is also where you can update these details and add any medical concerns your child may encounter. It is really important that you keep the details on here up to date, please, as it is our primary way of contacting you and ensuring we keep your child safe. The Gateway can be accessed here.
More recently we have also setup WhatsApp groups for each class which are optional for parents. However, these also allow parents to message the class to ask questions and find information. We have also set up a drivers and helpers WhatsApp group where we repeat information to ensure that all messages about arrangements, such as dress-up days and special food arrangements, are shared directly with them. We post important information as announcements on the WhatsApp community as well as on the ESF App. The group links are available on the password-protected orientation pages of our website here.